We work together to take actions that sustain long-term health.
Formed in 2014, the San Pablo Area Revitalization Collaborative (SPARC) is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of the 8,000 residents living along the one mile stretch of the San Pablo Avenue Corridor in West Oakland. SPARC is a partnership of 25+ residents, organizations, and institutions who are working to take actions that create long-term health benefits a for low-to-moderate income and/or long-time residents.
Find out about our collaborative,
our action plan, and the results of our work together.
Take Action
Ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to our cause, or participate yourself.
“In this racially changing neighborhood
where Black folks are being, have been,
and continue to be displaced at great
rates, to be able for me to see my culture
reflected on these walls, reaffirms there
is a place for me here, there was and
there will be